And it hits home.
Sunday, 28 December 2014
Hey guess what, being associated with someone who smokes weed makes you guilty
"So before I or you say anything I just wanna let you know that I have my bags packed and ready to go because I did smoke weed an it was awesome so yeah. You don't have to say or do anything I'll just leave the house now."
2 hours ago:
" if I ever catch you you smoking weed I will kick you out of the house and I will not allow your brother and sister to take you in. "
So there you have it a conversation about staying away from weed. Very inspirational and it just gives me butterflies inside. Makes me feel all tingly.
Well, it's not as if I really did smoke weed although my friend did right next to me so if association is a goddamn crime then I'm fucking guilty.
There's a whole fucking spectrum of lying and if you're own of those goody two shoes and think that everything is black and white then good for you. Really, I think that is a good thing in some ways. But no, for me everything is a fucking grey (no pun intended towards my life right now) or I guess it would be better to say that its a fucking rainbow coz you know grey is just boring right now.
So who the fuck cares if I lied? It was a good lie, in my view anyway. I mean why wouldn't it be a good lie? I'd be out of the house which equals to less stress in the long run coz I no longer live with you so you no longer need to deal with whatever stress shit that my growing up brings or may bring to you. Happily fucking ever after.
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
New Game! It is awesome: Plague Inc
Helloooo!! Oh my god. I am so excited! This game is totally epic, like total awesome pawsome.
Described as :
" Can you infect the world? Plague Inc. is a unique mix of high strategy and terrifyingly realistic simulation.
Your pathogen has just infected 'Patient Zero'. Now you must bring about the end of human history by evolving a deadly, global Plague whilst adapting against everything humanity can do to defend itself. "
I just downloaded it an hour ago and just started playing it to test it out. Didn't really know what was in store for me but I am impressed. It seems kinda boring but it is most definitely not. Somehow though, I feel, it is slightly sadistic. I mean come on the game is about you infecting the world with a virus you created AND the goal is for your virus to infect the whole world, essentially killing people duh but I digress I love it!
These are just quick screenshots I took. While nearing the end of the game I decided to take a few pictures. Yes, it is probably old news of a game but it is still pretty awesome.
LOOK!! My virus infected people. And there's about 6 billion people that's dead. Hmm.. I am feeling slightly conflicted about my feelings towards that sentence.
As I said the goal is to infect the whole "world" so not a single "person" is alive. In order to do that your virus has to destroy the countries.
Of course, the game comes with its difficulties and so-called challenges. As they are trying to make it like the real world of course there will be scientists trying to find a cure and as I said the virus is created by the player so its not just you looking at the screen waiting for the "world" to end.
When you have successfully "killed"everyone this will come out. Razr-xt being the name of my virus, I just like the name Razr without the "O", don't judge my creativity. HAHA
So that's it. My new find. Hahaha.
Oh, and just in case I already got you hooked by the mere mention of virus infection here is the link for Android phones Google Play .Download it and try it out! Happy infecting!
Monday, 3 November 2014
Pottermore moment: Chamber of Secrets, De-gnoming the Garden + Floo Powder
Continuing Pottermore moment: Chamber of Secrets, Degnoming the Garden
Another Game!! And I realized that on each moment they have these small symbols on them that indicate what sort of moment it is. Like:
Another Game!! And I realized that on each moment they have these small symbols on them that indicate what sort of moment it is. Like:
![]() |
This is where the game symbol is at. De-gnoming. |
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Here there's a feather and sound symbol. This means that there is a story in there and also sounds. And as we know the story is about Lucious Malfoy. |
![]() |
If it it feather that means there is a story that J.K Rowling wrote. |
I suck at this game. -.-'' yes, yes unbelievable. Hold on. Okay, this game is kinda a difficult and honestly I was embarrassed to say that thinking that it was just me that sucks at it but reading the comments below the game apparently its just difficult throwing the gnome. Haha
But I persevered and TADA!!! Man those gnomes are fugly. Like seriously I was imagning thse garden gnome statue stuff I see on tv not THAT.
Finish the game and you can move on to the next moment: Floo Powder.
Continuing Pottermore moment: Chamber of Secrets, Floo Powder
In this moment there is no zooming in or out, its just as it is.
In this moment there are a lot of things to collect and everything is circled in red. Easy peasy. There is a story though which is the radio.
Luckily I read the comments because I had no idea about the object circled in green which is actually the Floo Powder (didn't know how to move on to the next stage) which you drag and drop into the fire and you will get:
The fire is so cooll...
book 2,
chamber of secrets,
floo powder,
flying car,
fred and george,
harry potter,
mr dursley,
ron weasley,
the weasleys
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Pottermore moment: Chamber of Secrets, Harry's Escape + The Weasleys
Continuing pottermore moment: Chamber of Secrets, Harry's Escape.
The Weasley brothers rescue Harry in the flying car. I wish flying cars were real!!! Hahaha
When u hover over Hedwig and the cage some sounds will be made. Hover over the car and you can read about it. I love reading J.K Rowling's short stories.
Zoom 1:
There are a few things to collect, mostly beans. There are 4 beans, on the book shelf, bed, near Harry's shoe and when you hover over the lamp it will switch on and you will see a bean on the chair. Hover over the lamp again and it will switch off. Next to the lamp is a chocolate frog card. Hovering over the curtains will make them move.
Zoom the last time:
You will see Mr. Dursley.
And that is all! You will get a full bar!
Continuing Pottermore moment: Chamber of Secrets, The Weasleys'
So after rescuing Harry from the Dursleys' we get :
There is nothing here but the scenic view of the forest before heading towards The Burrow.
Zoom in:
Hover over the cars exhaust and some sounds will be made and smokes of rings will appear. Hover over the leaves (red circle) a bird will fly out.
Zoom in again:
Hover over the sun and you will hear a rooster crow. Hover over The Burrows chimney and smoke will come out. Hover over the area (bottom most circle) and you can collect Horklump Juice.
That is all! You will get a full bar and can continure to the next moment.
Pottermore moment: Chamber of Serets, Dobby the House-elf + Aunt Petunia's Pudding
Continuing Chamber of Secrets : Dobby the House-elf.
Oh Dobby!! :,( sad that you had to die. I must say that the narrator did a Dobby voice quite well. Haha
Ugh the ticking is getting on my nerves.
Oh Dobby!! :,( sad that you had to die. I must say that the narrator did a Dobby voice quite well. Haha
Ugh the ticking is getting on my nerves.
There is nothing to collect here in the first stage. Though ignore the card (the green thing on the bed).
Zoom 2:
Here you can hover over Dobby's ears and it'll flutter(?) Haha and when you hover over the blanket the Chocolate Frog will appear and you can collect that.
That is all and you will get a full bar.
Continue pottermore moment: Chamber of Secrets, Aunt Petunia's Pudding
There's a bit of a challenge at the start of this moment. So just go ahead and do that. Just click on the pudding to keep it from falling and when the time is up it will fall and you will be rewarded:
Bertie Bott's Sugared Violet - Flavoured Bean
And your bar is full!
Pottermore moment: Chamber of Secrets, The Enormous Green Eyes
Continuing to the second moment in Chamber of Secrets: The Enormous Green Eyes.
This is what you'll see:
This is what you'll see:
There is nothing here so zoom in.
Zoom in:
Hover over the door and it will open. Hover over the lawn mower and it will be switched on. A pair of sheers which you can collect. The stick in the paint can will move when hovered and there is a spider next to it which will crawl when you hover over it. Oh and I cut out the bicycle by mistake but in this zoom when you hover over the bicycle bell it will jingle.
Zoom in again:
In the wheel barrow you will find Dried Nettles to be collected and above that Rose Thorns to be collected. Then in the bushes (left red circle) when you hover a pair of green eyes will appear.
And that is all! You will get a full bar.
Pottermore Moment : Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets + The Magic Word
Hello Dearies... I just signed up to Pottermore!! I know, I know but better late than never right? I got sorted into SLYTHERIN! Woohoo! I was worried I'd get into Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw not that I'm saying there is anything wrong with those houses but for me it was either Slytherin or Gryffindor. Typical right? but slytherin coz of Draco a.k.a Tom Felton, Gryffindor coz of well no other reason than coz its Harry Potter. Hahahah *blush*
So I started the "moment" journey and just completed the first book. Some moments were tough, I thought I was gonna go blind coz my nose was right at the screen looking for whatever objects that had to be found but thank god for some of the "students" that commented. So I decided to post the clues here fo whoever that needs the help too.
Pottermore Moment: Chamber of Secrets, The Magic Word
This is the first thing you will see and the first clue is hanging plants on the top corner right. SO just click on it to collect it.
When you zoom in for the first time you will see:
And if you hover over the padlock (circled in red) it will jiggle.
Zoom in again:
When you hover over Dudley he will gasp.
You'll also see a jar (circled in red), collect it and you will get a jar of honey.
Huh. This is tough so I read in the comments that you should move on and in one of the moments you will find a hairpin that you can use to open the padlock. So until then this is all I've got for you now. Will be back soon with the hairpin!
Monday, 30 June 2014
Think or Th!nk App Game June 2014 Update Answers Part 1
Hello :)
I just realized the other day that Think had an update so I apologize for the tardiness. Here are the answers. This will be Actions and Movies so the update will be in 2 parts. I did not realize how many pictures there were. Also I would like to apologize for some missing images, forgot to screen capture some of them and also some pictures/categories like Things will not be given an answer because those are too easy.
Things started off pretty easy. As usual.
Hello :)
I just realized the other day that Think had an update so I apologize for the tardiness. Here are the answers. This will be Actions and Movies so the update will be in 2 parts. I did not realize how many pictures there were. Also I would like to apologize for some missing images, forgot to screen capture some of them and also some pictures/categories like Things will not be given an answer because those are too easy.
If you just started playing this awesome game and looking for answers for the earlier chapters:
Things started off pretty easy. As usual.
If you just started playing this awesome game and looking for answers for the earlier chapters:
Which actually if you realize have repeats of the same ones from different levels. Not all just a handful.
A traditional depiction of a GHOST and an arrow pointing at the person RIDING the horse:
I think this was in the earlier chapter(I think). I liked this movie though I'm sure others did not. Didn't much fancy the sequel though.
A depiction of MONEY plus a tennis BALL; all in a box so it is one word:
Brad Pitt is in it though I haven't watched the movie. Trailer.
Well, this just cuts right to the chase:
This is a pretty old movie, I think I watched. I also think it's pretty good. Trailer.
There is a WATCH and a group of MEN:
This is an old one as well and I also think it was in the earlier chapters as well. It was alright. Didn't really get it. Entertaining though. Trailer.
First image is an ANCHOR which is an object you'd find on a huge ship to sort of "park" the ship, and a MAN:
I've never really watched it before just seen glimpses because my siblings are huge fans. Those few glimpses: HILARIOUS. Trailer.
I had to go to the main page and skim through what all the "symbols"(?) meant. The hand depict THE and then an X right after and then the next image actually threw me off a few seconds but it is FILES:
Man, I think I'll download the show again. Classic. Must see if sci-fi is your thing.
The ear means that the word sounds like grave which is BRAVE plus a love shape which is HEART:
This was when Mel Gibson was in his peek years. And I guess considered a classic as well. No, I've never seen it not much of a Mel Gibson fan. Trailer.
The image is actually pretty funny, not the situation but how the it depicted. Like have you been to a blood drive? Nobody is smiling like that unless there's a camera in their face. Anyway, the arrow is pointing to the blood bag meaning BLOOD plus a precious jewel DIAMOND:
BLOOD DIAMOND (I think this was also in the one of the earlier chapters)
The movie is actually pretty great. I like it. It doesn't hurt that Leonardo was in it. Feel like downloading it now. Trailer.
This was pretty easy, no explanation needed, I ROBOT. Trailer.
I don't know why but I actually find this amusing. This image. *shrug* Anyway, so you got a person KICKing and a donkey, another word ASS:
This movie was good, didn't expect it to be good even though Chloe was in it. She's cute. Trailer.
This I had to think a bit as you can see the box is red. *shame* A male goat is called a RAM and there is an ear next to BOW:
Sylvester Stallone's peek years. Perhaps I think a classic though I've never seen it. Way before my birth. LOL. I dunno if I should link a trailer because they have so many parts.
This movie I LOVE! And I think it was also in one of the earlier chapters or two. The head saying keep quiet: SILENCE then the hand meaning OF THE and a flock of LAMBS:
It is a total classic and MUST be watched! Trailer. Also anyone here watching Hannibal tv show? That is a must as well!
This is another movie I've never seen. Meh, doesn't appeal to me. A finger pointing towards you : YOU, an ear next to goat: GOT, and a MAIL:
YOU'VE GOT MAIL (even if you don't put 'VE Einstein will add it for you )
This movie has also been in the earlier chapters of this game and its pretty simple. I don't think there were any other movies about snakes an planes:
I actually enjoyed it.
I've never seen this movie, it sounds familiar though. A clock and a crescent moon in a box meaning its one word: MIDNIGHT, a hand meaning IN and the Eiffel Tower which is in PARIS, France:
This movie. Wow. I actually liked it. Dark. The psychology of it. I love psychology not that I study it more like the theories and concept. So first image is a black and white thing and an arrow pointing to BLACK and a SWAN, simple:
BLACK SWAN. Trailer.
This is a Disney classic and if you don't know this just by looking at it, what planet are you living? or what century? -.-' Seriously, Disney fan or not this is one of the top Disney classic movies. And because its easy I ain't explaining anything.
I haven't actually seen this movie even though Leo is in it it doesn't really appeal to me. I'm not sure why its just one of those feelings of MEEEEEEHHHHH....
I actually got this wrong the first try because I wasn't really thinking properly and was thinking about another movie: guardians of the galaxy. I know I know, how did that even come to mind. Shoot me.
(I think this was in earlier chapters as well)
I also got this wrong a couple of times because I was convinced that it was bad neighbors/neighborhood. This was me and my brain not thinking straight again. Anyway, when I figured it out I mentally face plamed. I liked this movie too. One because Amanda is in it. Two because its about werewolves. I love me some supernatural storylines.
This movie sounded familiar but I've never watched it before. NO entry sign, flag and shape of country in a box meaning COUNTRY, hand depicting FOR, image depicting an OLD man plus a group of MEN:
This I KNOW was in earlier chapters of the game and I think a few not just one.
This movie I have never heard of before but it has dragons in the title which does intrigue because I just love me some dragons but I'm thinking its an old-ish movie so it probably won't be that great. I will wait to watch the TRAILER and find out.
ohhhh its a bruce lee movie. cool.
This is easy peasy. Fans of this movie will be like typing in the answer in a second. The image depicting hunger is kinda funny because of the stickman depicting skinny/hunger/starving.
This is another classic movie way before I was born and from what I heard my siblings had watched it at a young age and were traumatised for awhile like nearly a month or something. Must have been some scary s**t back then but I can understand how scary and creepy it must have been back then. I mean now we have all these techs which actually sometimes make horror movie look stupid or incredibly scary so to compare from this age and back then is redundant. Yes, I have watched it.
This movie was cool too. Though it did remind me of E.T, the one with Drew Barrymore (Trailer) and I love that movie too, because of the alien and boy connection thing.
SUPER 8. Trailer.
This is easy and I only liked the first part.
I love this movie! I liked the old/original versions better then the Jaden/Jackie combo.
I've never seen the movie but I instantly knew what movie it was just by the lockers.
This movie I'm pretty sure was in the earlier chapter.
KILL BILL. Trailer.
This movie I have never heard of. I apologize if it is one of the classics because it does sound like a movie that would be a classic or I may be wrong.
This I know is a classic. If you haven't seen it you should. Really.
There you go, part 1 done! Part 2 here.
Comment if it helps or not. If you want to b***h or not.
You are WC.
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th!nk game,
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think game,
update june 2014
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